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為維護婦女於公共場所哺育母乳權益,本場所依據「公共場所 母乳哺育條例」特設置集哺乳室,無償提供 使用且不提供其他用途,非哺(集)乳者或非經哺(集)乳者 之同意,任何人不得擅自進入。





  1. 為鼓勵市民哺餵母乳,配合行政院衛生署母乳哺育政策及兩性工作平等法之精神,本中心特設置本室供哺餵母乳之女性市民無償使用。
  2. 開放時間:每日上午06:00~下午10:00(遇本中心休館時,停止開放)。
  3. 服務對象:本市哺餵母乳之女性市民。
  4. 使用本室請向一樓櫃擡登記並押證件,由本中心服務人員為您開啟,使用完畢請告知本中心服務人員,並請記得向一樓櫃擡取回您的證件.若遇哺集乳室為使用中,請至本中心一樓櫃擡登記並耐心等候。
  5. 為維護每位使用者的權益,每次使用時間不超過30分鐘為限。
  6. 本室內設有之所有物品等均為公物,敬請愛惜使用並保持乾淨,物品請勿攜出,也不得擅自移動或調整,如有損害應照價賠償其他裝備如吸奶瓶/奶瓶/嬰兒用品/尿片等,由使用者自備。
  7. 為保持室内空氣清晰,若於本室更換尿布片後請套上袋子绑緊,並丢棄於蓋式垃圾桶或自行帶到室外垃圾桶丟棄。
  8. 使用後離開請記得將個人物品攜離並維護清潔。
  9. 非哺乳人員及男性不得任意進入哺集乳室。
  10. 若發現任何問題,請哺集乳室按緊急求救鈴或電洽03-481-0222


  1. According to the Nursing Mothers law from Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, we make the rules below for the breastfeeding room.
  2. Opening hours: 6:00 A.M to 10:00 P.M, every day.
  3. The breastfeeding room is only open for breastfeeding and diaper changing. If any urgent, others can use it with our approval.
  4. Please sign in at the front desk to use the breastfeeding room.
  5. Please knock the door before entering. Hang on the occupied sign outside when using, and take it off when finish. Don’ t forget your personal belongings.
  6. Please use the breastfeeding room with care. We will claim for compensation if any damage. Please remark with name and contact number on your personal belongings which need to keep in the room.
  7. The refrigerator is only for breast-milk storage which please remark with name and contact numbers. If anything placed overnight will be taken out and throw away.
  8. If any inquiry, please ask the front desk for further assistance.
  9. Photography, videography, poster hanging, flags hanging, and labeling and other such behaviors are forbidden without our approval.
  10. We do not recommend entering the facility with your pets, while guide dogs are welcome.
  11. Electrical sockets are reserved for events or venue rental with additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
  12. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule.

The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.

