- 請著正確之運動服裝,若課程有需要穿鞋,請準備乾淨之室內運動鞋。
- 身體不適、患有法定傳染病及心臟病、高血壓等不適宜運動之相關疾病者者禁止使用本場地。
- 教室內嚴禁喝酒、進食、吸菸、嚼食檳榔及口香糖,嚴禁除了飲用水之外其他任何飲食,飲用水請裝於有瓶蓋之容器內。
- 請於課程開始前十分鐘到場,領取團課證並於上課前繳交給課程老師。保留足夠的時間更換衣服及熱身。
- 課程採預約制,除有現場候補名額,請勿任意進入教室上課。
- 地面有水請立即擦拭,隨身攜帶之物請按規定放置且勿放雜物於地板。
- 攜帶手機請關機或靜音;如果想錄影或拍照請詢問該堂老師以表尊重。
- 運動中身體若有不適,請立即停止運動,並告知現場教練。
- 請共同維護環境整潔,課程中協助器材定位、歸位,使用前後以酒精抹布消毒擦拭。
- 請注意隨行兒童,勿在本場地嬉戲奔跑,以免發生危險。課程進行時,隨行兒童請勿陪同入場,以避免影響課程進行;提醒您,上課前請妥善安排孩子的托育。
- 私人物品請自行保管,如有遺失自行負責。
- 本場地需知規定若有未盡之處,本中心得另行公告增補之。
Instructions for using the group classroom
- Please wear correct sports clothing. If you need to wear shoes during the course, please prepare a clean room Inner sneakers.
- Drinking, eating, smoking, chewing betel nuts and chewing gum are strictly prohibited in the classroom.
- It is strictly forbidden to eat or drink anything except drinking water. Please put drinking water in a container with a bottle cap.
- Please arrive ten minutes before the start of the course, collect the group lesson card and hand it in to the course teacher before the class starts. Allow enough time to change clothes and warm up.
- The course is made by appointment only, unless there are on-site waiting places, please do not enter the classroom at will.
- If there is water on the ground, please wipe it immediately. Please place the things you carry with you in accordance with the regulations and do not put sundries on the floor.
- Please turn off or mute your mobile phone; if you want to record or take pictures, please ask the teacher of the class to show respect.
- If you feel unwell during exercise, please stop exercising immediately and inform the on-site coach.
- Please work together to keep the environment clean and tidy, assist in positioning and returning equipment during the course, and disinfect and wipe with alcohol wipes before and after use.
- Please pay attention to children,do not play and run in this area to danger. Please arrange child care properly before class.
- Please keep your personal belongings by yourself, You are responsible for any loss.
- If there are any gaps in the need-to-know regulations of this venue, the center may make additional announcements to supplement them